GAPABS - Be Pure

Series of illustrations for the GAPABS campaign based on the concept "Be Pure".
In a partnership between JWT, Norte and Bernstein & Andriulli from NY, 11 artists were selected to represent some sexual and comic situations. The art pieces were created on 2D, and 5 were chosen to be reinterpreted on 3D art by VetorZero.
Artists commissioned by Norte:
- Alberto Cerriteño, Mexico
- Diego Medina, Brazil
- Firmorama, Brazil
- Frederico Antunes, Brazil
- Jorge Galvão, Brazil
- Lauren Gregg, USA
- Lese Pierre, Brazil
- Niark1, France
- Rafael Silveira, Brazil
Artists commissioned by Bernstein & Andriulli:
- Tatiana Arocha, Colombia
- Gary Baseman, USA
Commissioned by